Kirill Grubinka
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Boost rank in cs2 is simple and transparent. Using the rank calculator you place an order, after which our performer will log in to your account and a series of victories will raise the ranking
Also, for some modes, you can choose "Boost in the lobby" in this case, you will play from your account with the performer in the group yourself
To boost your cs2 account, you will not need to disable the protection of steam guard, which guarantees the complete safety of the account
You can also enable "family viewing" in steam, which will completely cut down on the functionality of your booster account and leave you only able to run the game of your choice
We work only with PRO players, who have signed contracts with us and provided passport data as well
When it comes to boost services, we can confidently say that our services are the best in the market.
We offer a variety of options to boost your cs2 account, and our performers are proven players who are ready to start boosting within 10 minutes after placing an order
There are many reasons for this, but most players turn to us for help in boosting their rankings because of poor selection of allies, trolls in the team and cheaters.
After the boost, you'll get the rank you want, which you can enjoy playing at
We are always happy to help and answer any of your questions! You can always write to us in online chat, on Discord channel or call us during working hours. Contacts section